Tolkien's 'squint-eyed southerner' is NOT 'Slant-eyed'!

There are scholars who have given Tolkien flak because he supposedly described the Orcs as 'slant-eyed'.      The only place I know of that remotely resembles this is Tolkien's 'squint-eyed southerner' in Bree.

This character is NOT 'Slant-eyed'!

'Squint-eyed' does NOT mean that the character has slanted 'Asian eyes'!

It means that the character squints in the sunlight because he can't stand the bright sunlight!

Because, being part Orc, he cannot stand sunlight!

I doubt Tolkien ever heard the term 'slant-eyed' in his life!

Otherwise he would have described the character in a different way to avoid confusion!

God loves you!  Hope this helps!


David S. Annderson