To Conservative Christians in America: Obama's Liberals care about you more than Trump's businessmen!

Trump and his businessmen are just using you!

They don't care about you!

All they care about is money, power and attention!

Obama's Liberals may be your rivals

And some of us may be scared of Trump right now

But there are millions of Liberals in America who would die to defend your religious freedom and your right to vote Republican!

We are not your enemy!

We sometimes get scared and stressed out because of people like Trump and because of how harsh politics has become

But we are not your enemy!

Let's come together in friendship!

Let's try to encourage our political leaders to talk things out like gentlemen like we once did in the days of the first President Bush!

And vote freely- I will not judge you on your vote!  For that is how Democracy works, and Love does not judge like that!

We will get through this together!

But know that we are not your enemy!

God loves you and so do I!


David S. Annderson