I declare the Unity of all religion, the unity of God and all the Divine, and the Unity of Mankind

Baha'u'llah, the modern-day Prophet of the Baha'i faith, proclaimed the Unity of all religion, the Unity of God, and the unity of Mankind.

I too proclaim the Unity of all religion. It has always been clear to me that all religions teach the same divine Love of God- Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, you name it. They all teach of the Love of God. They all teach Altruism, selfless Love. They all warn against temptation and evil. They all teach Love for one's fallow man and fellow woman.

It is true. I am here to tell you that what the Prophet Baha'u'llah taught back in Baghdad and Istanbul in the mid to late 19th Century is true. The Unity of all religion is true. They not only all deserve rights, like the American constitution says, they all teach the same Divine Love of the same God.

And Baha'u'llah taught the Unity of Mankind. We were meant to be United out of Love for one another.

Let us try to achieve this dream of Unity of Mankind.


David S. Annderson

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