Foreign aid and corrupt governments in Africa

I just read the wretched Youtube-style public comments on a article about foreign aid being stolen in Ethiopia.

Person after person going on about how we should not be sending aid because of corrupt governments.

Look, I admit it.  Bringing foreign aid into places like Africa is hard because of government corruption.

It is real hard to bring foreign aid into places in Africa that need help because of a corrupt government.

The one based in London in the 19th Century.

We in the West created the mess.  We have loads of money.  We need to clean up the mess- or at least contribute.

Ethiopia had no problem feeding their people before the British Empire squeezed them to death in the colonialist era.

And it is not hopeless.

South Korea was once a mess, like Ethiopia is now.

Look at South Korea now!

They only need time!

Africa gained independence about 20 years after Asia did!

They are 20 years further behind in their recovery!

They only need time!

It is not a hopeless fight!

So much is at stake!

And think of all that Ethiopia can give the world when they fully recover and become the next South Korea!

Things have gotten a whole lot better in Ethiopia since 1984!

Look it up!

Ethiopia was in the middle of a total systems collapse in 1984- they are starting to pick up the pieces now!

It is not hopeless!

It is not hopeless!

And we in the West have a responsability to help!

God loves you!  Don't give up hope!


David S. Annderson