Culture clash: Missing the point in the time of Punk

Late 70's.  On the airwaves in many places, the sounds of complex arty album rock with pretensions saturates the air.  From out of the underground rock clubs of New York and London, something new is rebelling against this arty pretension.

Something with three chords and attitude.

Something that will be called Punk.

I think someone is missing the point.

Punks would say that yeah, the complex arty rock with pretensions is missing the point of rock and roll.

I love rock and roll.

But from my point of view, the punks are missing the point of Yes and Kansas, Dark Side of the Moon and Blood on the Tracks.

For me, the point of the great classic rock of 1967 and 1973 was to be whatever you want, to stretch your mind to new horizons, to be free to be yourself and to be free to be sophistocated.

To not be satisfied with three simple chords, but to explore the outer territories of music.

To reach for the sky.

To search for meaning and pretensions.

To search for meaning, to seek the depths.

There are plenty of genres where you can find simple thrills.

Let's bring back the complexity, let's bring back the pretension.

Let's soar to the stars again!

Let's let some seek three chords and an attitude

While others reach for the stars!

Let's let both sides live, each in their world!

It is an ideal to hope for!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

Jai Guru Deva Om