Peeing on Mars

We use so many euphamisms when we refer to having to use the restroom.  'Restroom' itself, for one.  Just imagine the confusion if we were on an alien planet, and we had to relieve ourselves.  They have mastered English pretty much, but a few things are still beyond them...

'Excuse me, but I need to tinkle.  Can you point me to the little boy's room?'

"You cannot play music in the nursery right now.  It's nap time."

'No, I need to use the men's room'

"We have lots of rooms for use by adults of all species."

'No, I have to use the restroom.'

"We have rooms for sleeping just down the hall"

"I believe, sir, that the human needs to purify himself."

"Oh, why didn't you say so?  We have relief rooms down every hallway."

What a confusion!  That, and if someone died!

'Oh, she kicked the bucket.'

Oh, good Lord!  :D

God loves you!


David S. Annderson