Beware of quackery: You do not have 10 pounds of toxic stuff in your gut

It's good healthy fiber.

It's supposed to be there.

It provides a good habitat for the microorganisms that help us digest difficult-to-digest fat and especially protien.

You remember when they used to tell you to eat your fiber?

That's what it does.

It's good healthy fiber.

It's certainly not toxic.

And it's supposed to be there.

Without it you won't be able to digest protien as effectively, and your gut will not work as well.

It's good healthy fiber, and it's supposed to be there.

The reason that people usually feel so much better after cleansing their colon is that most of us have a rather poor diet, with lots of processed foods and preservatives and little fiber, and have a rather poor quality of substance lining the colon!  And we often start eating healthy when we cleanse our colon, and so we rid ourselves of that poor quality substance lining our colon and replace it with a good quality lining of good fiber and less preservatives- and that feels so much better!

But you're supposed to have that fiber lining your gut!  That's how the gut works and does its job!

Beware of the quackery.

Beware of the fear.  Don't give into fear.


                David S. Annderson