1Z-0: Your brain is not the source of your mind!

Your brain is just a computer!

A computer cannot think by itself!

A computer can only follow directions!

Think about this: if you put a computer in a blank room and give it no input, it will sit there and do nothing.

If you put a puppy in a blank room and give it no input, the puppy will start moving around and whimpering!

The puppy can do something that a computer cannot do!

The puppy can move on its own!

The puppy can do things on its own, make its own descisions, not just follow instructions!

You can do things on your own, make your own descisions, not just follow instructions!

That is consciousness.

And if a computer can only follow orders, in order for that computer to work, someone must have programmed it!

Someone must have given the orders!

And everything we know, every feeling we feel, suggests that consciousness cannot have its source in the material world

But that the material world can have its source in consciousness!

Think about it: consciousness can draw a painting! Consciousness can create a poem!

A painting cannot create a consciousness! A poem cannot create a consciousness!

A consciousness can create a hologram!

That's all the material world is- a hologram created by a consciousness!

Consciousness cannot be created by the material world!

But the material world can be created by consciousness!

So where does consciousness come from?

Not the material world!

So where does consciousness come from?

Where does the Universe come from?

Where does everything come from?

Where does the material world come from?

From a consciousness!

There are two things: material things- and consciousness!

Material things cannot be the source of consciousness.

But consciousness can be the source of the material things!

Thus, whatever created everything, whatever caused everything to exist, it is consciousness!

For material things can be created by consciousness...

But only consciousness can be the source of consciousness!

Thus the material world was created by consciousness...

And so was our consciousness!

It was consciousness that is the source of all!

And where did that original consciousness come from?

The ancient Egyptians had a name for him.

Atum the Self-Created Source of All.

That original consciousness created itself!

Something must have created itself!

That's the only explanation for the existence of anything at all:

If everything else has its source in something that came before it,

Than the source of everything must be its own source!

The source of everything must have created itself!

And since consciousness can create

And material things cannot

Then it makes much more sense that the source of all, which created itself, is a consciousness!

And that consciousness, whom the ancient Egyptians called Atum the Self-Created Source of All, is the source of everything!

And the material world is nothing more than a hologram created by this consciousness!

An artwork created by this consciousness!

And our consciousness has its source in its consciousness!

Because consciousness can only come from consciousness!

And that consciousness, the consciousness that created the world, is full of Love!

Think about it: there is a lot of good in the world!

Only a good consciousness would have created that good!

And do you ever see logical contradictions in the world? Error messages? Plot holes?

The material world is well-constructed!

That consciousness put a lot of work into the material world!

And put a lot of good in it!

The beautiful sunny days, the beautiful cool fall days, the beautiful trees and flowers, the Grand Canyon, every friend you have ever known!

That consciuosness put a lot of good into it!

And that consciousness put a lot of work into it!

That consciousness, the one that is the source of all, must be very, very good!

And consciousness is the source of it all!

Something to think about!

God loves you! For everything good came from that original consciousness, but the bad things may simply be things we don't understand yet! But everything good came from that original consciousness- and there is a lot of good in the world! Every beautiful tree, every star in the sky, every kind person, every beautiful sunny day!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. that means that my Tourette's Syndrome is my brain, being the computer that processes sensory information, being hypersensitive in its programming to things out there caused by consciousness- like people hurting people! Mental illness is our body's computer- our brain- which processes sensory information- being hypersensitive to pain out in the world caused by consciousness (on purpose or by accident)! The brain, which processes sensory information, making those things very, very loud! Because our mind is connected to our body through our brain! And our mind is connected to our eyes and ears through our brain! And sometimes our brain makes things seem way too loud! Sometimes our brain turns up the volume knob in our ear way too high! (or, to be more accurate, sometimes the volume knob in one of our brain's alarm systems warning of danger is turned up way too high!) But that's just a flaw in its programming! But working with the mind, and not just the brain, helps! Mind over matter! Use Buddhist meditation! For you can't feel your brain except through your mind, and so anything that works directly with your mind will help! Use Buddhist meditation!

P.P.S. That means that this is what the brain does:

Everybody's got a brain

Something you have to move your body

Every time you want to move your hand

That's your brain

And not your hand

And every time you see or hear

That's not just your eye or your ear that's hearing

Yes everything you see with your eyes

You see with your brain

Not just your eyes

But dreams can be sent directly to your mind, and don't necessarily have anything to do with your brain! I don't have Tourette's Syndrome in my dreams! Dreams have their source in the same place as the rest of the material world! God loves you!