1Z-6: America needs to make high-protein vegetarian food available to poor people

It's hard to be Vegetarian in America when you don't have much money.

Especially if you don't have a car and don't live in a place with good public transportation.

America needs to make high-protein vegetarian food available to poor people!

Pea soup, lentil soup, tofu dogs, things like that.

Not beans. Real high-protein vegetarian food that will not do a number on your stomach by causing gas.

Are you vegetarian? Lobby for America to make things like tofu dogs and pea soup available more widely to poor people!

It's bad enough that there is so little good information out there in America on how to go vegetarian!

But a lot of us don't have the money to buy food from boutique shops or eat at fancy restaurants!

And you don't have vegetarian pea soup and lentil soup available in cans at the grocery store- you have to cook it at home! A lot of poor people just don't have the time!

Are you vegetarian? Do you want to make it easier for people like me to go vegetarian?

Spread the word! Lobby for America to make things like tofu dogs available to poor people at restaurants- at normal prices! Lobby for grocery stores to create high-protein vegetarian sections- at normal prices! Vegetarian food should be less expensive than meat, not more!

Spread the word! I can only spread the word through my website! Maybe you can organize a protest! Maybe you know someone who owns a grocery store or a restaurant!

Good luck! God loves you!


David S. Annderson