Remembering George H. W. Bush

I always thought he was a great President. He was President when I was a kid, and when I looked back on it as an adult I realized that at that time we had a real nice person and a good leader as President. Ever since I first really seriously looked back on his Presidency in my mind as an adult a few years ago I have thought of him a lot as one of our great Presidents. He wasn't untested- he walked through the fire, guiding the world through the Saddam Hussein crisis. He encouraged us to help each other with his Thousand Points of Light program. He sent us back to the moon and to Mars ( I wish he could have seen us make it!). Because of him, for over a decade we had two good political parties in the US. Partly because of him it was a great era back then. Although he only served one term, from 1989 to 1992, as late as 1998 and 1999 it was still his Era in politics, because his example of good human decency still dominated. He was often overlooked, because he came between two Presidents who were very charismatic speakers, but I know some of us remember him. Thank you, George Herbert Walker Bush.

Someday people will erect monuments to him in their minds. Next to them other monuments will stand tall, towering and charismatic. And his monument will tower over them, and it will radiate warm light, and on it it will say "A Good, Decent Man."

Thank you again, George Herbert Walker Bush.