On Pakistan and India

Pity poor Pakistan. They were left with a very difficult problem when they became independent.

Naturally upon becoming independent Pakistan tried to prove themselves as important as the Hindu-dominated Republic of India. Politicians being politicians, and this being the difficult mid-20th Century in the wake of the World Wars, the leaders of Pakistan could only conceive this in terms of raw power.

So there was Pakistan, with maybe a third at most of the resources of the immense Republic of India- back when they still included Bangladesh- trying to prove itself as powerful as a state that just dwarfed it even then in size and resources.

It was an impossible task. The Republic of India is just so much bigger than Pakistan. Without a massive technological advantage, like the British once had, it was simply an impossible task.

So the leaders of Pakistan drove themselves- and Pakistan- crazy trying in vain to prove that they could be as powerful as the immensely larger Republic of India.

The country was stressed out, its leaders stressed out even more so.

Finally they lost Bangladesh- a good half of the country.

Still they continued to try to prove themselves as powerful as the vast Republic of India. With literally half of the resources that they had once had.

Pity poor Pakistan. It has been a hard, frustrating ride. There is only one answer: to stop trying to prove that they can be as powerful as the much larger Republic of India and to instead emphasize what it is that truly makes them as important as the Republic of India: their unique and beautiful culture.

I hope things get better for you, Pakistan!

I pray for your future and the future of us all! God loves you, in Pakistan and everywhere!


David S. Annderson

P.S. to those in India: your Republic is a shining example to the world! You should be very proud! And your country and government have handled the problems with Pakistan very well, have never sought a fight with Pakistan and have always been open to peace. Relations between India and Pakistan never got as bad as it could have! You should be very proud!

P.P.S. To Pakistan: you should be proud of how your country helped out other Islamic countries around the world! You should be proud too! It's not your fault- it's just a difficult situation!