advice to aspiring filmmakers

Go out there with the camera on your phone and film!

Don't take it from me- take it from Steven Spielberg- he says the same thing!

You can make fine movies with the camera on your phone!

It isn't fancy equipment that makes movies look good- it's the filmmaker's skill!

I once saw a clip from a movie Steven Spielberg made as a teenager with his little Super 8 film camera.

I was astounded. It looked just like a professional film!

I mean, the picture quality was low, but otherwise it looked like a high-profile, mainstream Hollywood professional production!

It isn't the equipment or the budget that makes a film look professional. This was a film a teenager made with a few friends.

It's the skill of the filmmaker.

It's the skill of the filmmaker that makes it look professional!

If you practice and develop that skill, the movies you make with your phone can look just as professional as something that wins a prize at the Cannes Film Festival!

The best music video I ever saw was a student video made as a high school project to Pearl jam's wonderful version of 'Last Kiss'.

When I found it on Youtube, I assumed it was the professional video for the song! And it was the best professional video I have ever seen!

Like a prize-winning independent film!

It was only on the 3rd or 4th time I watched it that I read the caption and realized that it was a student film!

It's not the budget or the equipment or the big team that makes a film look professional- it's the skill of the filmmaker!

If you practice making films with the camera on your phone, and develop the skill through practice, you can make movies with the camera on your phone and a few friends that look just as professional as a prize-winning film at an international film festival!

So if you want to make movies, read up on filmmaking techniques, take a class, and go out there with the camera on your phone and film!

You have a fine video camera already- one good enough to look nice, that can easily download its video onto your computer- on your phone! The filmmaking skill you develop through practice will do all the rest!

So go! Film with your phone! Make movies! Make this the Golden Age of independent film!

And upload your movies to Youtube- or whatever way you want to release them to the public!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. I love intimate independent film with beautiful character storytelling!