To Black people who have problems with the police (2020)

I'm sorry for the bad news.

It's because of people who rap about killing cops.

It's the rappers' fault.

What do you expect cops to do? Cops get scared too!

I know it hurts. A lot of you have nothing to do with angry rap music people. But you have to take it because of them. You do not want a fight, but people are scared of you because they are scared of angry rap music people. It hurts.

Know that you are not alone. Rap music people hurt me too. We're all in this together. And know that I know that not all rap music is like that. If all rap music was like Tupac, the police would not be scared of black people.

And we are all in this together. White people are hurting too. Trust me on this, I'm one of them. People falsely fear you, people falsely think I'm racist. We can band together and share our pain. Together we will get through this.

And don't give up on rap music. There are different kinds of rap music. Hold on to Tupac and Biggie. They are bringing people together and fighting the fear. So are Bob Dylan, and Taylor Swift, and Obama and Biden and Bernie Sanders. There are a lot of people on your side. Including me. Hold on to Tupac's mission of dealing with the pain in a positive way. We won in the 60's, we will win today. It may take a long time. Or it may not. Things may change overnight once we have Biden as our new President. And in time people will forget about angry rap music about killing cops, and the police will become less afraid. Remember that it is easy for the police today to give in to fear, since like everyone in America they are very stressed out, and are vulnerable. The past four years have been hard on everyone in America. But it will pass. It will pass, and the influence of angry rap music will fade away, and people will remember Tupac and Biggie instead, and everyone will become less stressed out, and thus the police will stop being afraid. It will happen. Until then, keep on protesting peacefully, and don't forget to vote, and know that a lot of white people are with you, even if like me they are really hurt by angry rap music. I'm sorry people like me are hurt. Many of us would never let that make us angry at a person, instead of angry at the angry rap music itself. Many of us are on your side anyway. If we band together we will get through this. And we are banding together. We will get through this.


David S. Annderson