Is this where doubt leads?

"By doubting we come to examine, and by examining we reach the truth."- Abelard

But did it work? Did we find the truth?


We doubted in order to examine, and by examining and doubting, we came to doubt everything.

Now we believe in nothing, and know no truth.

You need both reason and faith to find truth and wisdom. For if you follow only reason and doubt, you will doubt everything and know nothing. Like the modern world, which knows no wise truth and believes in nothing.

You need to examine with faith as well as doubt and reason, to figure out what to doubt and what to have faith in. For if you doubt everything, you will learn nothing.

Once civilization knew all Plato, Christ, Confucius and The Buddha had to teach. Then we began to doubt. Now we know nothing but facts. No truth. Now we believe in nothing, and believe that life is empty.

Did it work?


We know no Truth now. We did not find Truth.

You need Faith as well as Reason to find Truth and wisdom.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson