Have sympathy for the Tea Party voters (from a Hippy)

I don't go for politics much, but when I do I'm a hard-core Moderate, a believer in Kindness.

Which is why I'm writing this. A lot of people no doubt believe the Tea Party Movement in American politics is full of nut jobs. The truth is sad.

I'm more of a Liberal, but it's obvious to me that the Tea Party Movement began as a hard-core Moderate protest movement. All they wanted was for the government to be more responsible with their money. Then the movement became hijacked by the greedy nut-jobs, like the robbery of a train. It seems obvious to me that no matter who gets all the attention on TV, Tea Party voters are still mostly kind-hearted Moderates.

I just wanted to throw that out there, to say a good word for these voters who deserve better.

But remember, we do have better. We have God. And SOME kind people up there.

How else can these crazy governments continue on without disaster?

God and Kind People.


*Yeah, I know, old news. But it's true. These nut jobs who want to shut down our government, on the other hand...

(SIGH) I hate politics.

**in 2020... have sympathy for people who were once Tea Party voters... what choice do they have today but to hope that John Kasich saves them...**

**2022: Or rejoice that Glenn Younkin will save them!**