Here's why the Joker from The Dark Knight Is Not Realistic

It's simple.  Anyone that good, anyone that smart with that much talent can be far more successful through legal channels than by breaking the law.

I mean, my God, the guy had the intelligence to be a Julius Ceasar easily.

In real life The Dark Knight's Joker could have been the most successful CEO on the planet, or President of the United States with that kind of intelligence.    Easily.

And criminals are usually people who have failed in life everywhere else.

Anyone smart enough to be the Joker from The Dark Knight would be wildly successful at life, and would be highly unlikely to turn to crime.

They might become a Donald Trump, but it would be highly unlikely they would become a criminal.  A criminal in the normal sense, that is.

One more thing- I don't understand why that movie gets such high ratings.  I did not find it fun at all.    But if you did, great!

(It certainly is not great for saying deep things- I turn to movies like E.T., which comments on the nature of Love, for that!  But if you thought that The Dark Knight was fun, great!)

The other two Dark Knight movies were wonderful.  If not quite as amazing as X Men or the original 1978 Superman, or the original Avengers, or as mind-blowing as Black Panther, which is way more than just a superhero movie- not that I rate superhero movies that low, I love heroics!

Just remember- someone with enough talent to be like The Joker from The Dark Knight would be far more likely to become Batman or Iron Man than a criminal!

And we have far more weapons to fight a Donald Trump with than a Joker- like elections and the power of Congress!

Not to mention that they would fight far less desperately with all their success and wealth!

And that brings up another thing: what is his motivation?

What reason does the Joker have to be evil?

People are not evil without reason.

Adolf Hitler was evil because he grew up seeing his father beat his mother, and then went on to see his entire country go through hell in World War I.

Why is the Joker from The Dark Knight evil?

If it wants to be realistic, what is the cause of Joker's evil?

We are led to believe that the Joker's motivation is simply that he is doing it for attention.

Look.  With that level of practical intelligence, the Joker would have the business and political world as his oyster.

With the business world and the political world as your oyster, there are a thousand opportunities to be a star on television.

What is the Joker's motivation?

Why isn't he trying to be a political superstar and trying to get attention that way?

Was he abused by someone?

The movie does not show that!

The movie does not show some trauma the Joker went through in the past!

We're supposed to believe that somehow he is just simply evil, and seeking attention!

That is not realistic!

Evil needs a cause!

Hitler was caused by World War I!

Stalin was caused by World War I!

What caused Joker to be evil?

The Dark Knight is this absurd fantasy that somehow evil is smarter than the rest of us!

That is simply not realistic!

Evil needs a cause!

WHY is this person or thing that is so smart evil?

Evil needs a cause!

And the only motivation even hinted at in the movie- that Joker craves attention- is not enough!

There are far easier, less risky ways for someone that smart to get lots and lots of attention on television than being a criminal terrorist!

Sure, terrorism will get lots of quick short-term attention.

But someone that smart will easily find ways of getting attention long-term, not just a short burst of attention that will lilely land them in jail.

I mean, the guy has the smarts of a Julius Ceasar!

He will be seeking better more long-term attention than a short-term burst of attention that will likely land him in jail, or even get him killed!

Evil needs a cause!

Evil needs a motivation!

The Dark Knight has taken the motivation out of the picture- and just assumes that there is evil, and that it is somehow smarter than the rest of us!

Evil needs motivation!

There is so much evil in the world right now because we are still recovering from two World Wars and European colonialism!

That is its motivation!

That is why The Dark Knight is not realistic!

Because it takes motivation out of the picture- and simply assumes that evil exists on its own!  And is somehow, magically, smarter than the rest of us!

That is not realistic!

Evil needs a cause!

Like, in real life right now, the afteraffects of two World Wars and European colonialism!

In our own real early 21st Century, evil has a cause!

Evil does not just magically exist, and be smarter than the rest of us!

That is fantasy!

If you like that as your fantasy, fine!

But it is just fantasy!

It is not realistic!

Sometimes the gritty realism is just a rediculous fantasy, and is not realistic!

Real life is not gritty realism!

Real life has more than that!

Gritty realism is out there, true

But puppies and kittens and rainbows and butterflies are all real too!

And evil does not just exist!

It is caused by something!

And that cause can be dealt with rationally, just like any other cause of any other problem!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S.  Here's what would happen if someone like an Islamic terrorist had the intelligence of The Dark Knight's Joker.      The Islamic terrorists are hurt because we in the West destroyed their paradise.  The Islamic world before the mid-19th Century was paradise.  If someone like the Islamic terrorists had the intelligence of The Dark Knight's Joker, in the same fields as The Dark Knight's Joker, they would be able to live out the Islamic terrorist's dream- which is not to destroy America but to recreate their Utopia!  Because anyone like an Islamic terrorist with the insane level of intelligence shown by The Dark Knight's Joker would soon be President of Egypt or something similar and would have turned Egypt around and made it Paradise again!  And the Islamic terrorists would have their Paradise once again, at least in that one place!  Because a man with that level of intelligence in those fields would be another Julius Ceasar or Napopleon!  That's what would happen if someone like an Islamic terrorist had the insane level of intelligence shown by The Dark Knight's Joker!