Who Framed Roger Rabbit is Not a kid's movie!

Now, there is nothing in this movie that should not be shown to a reasonably mature older child not yet in the double digits... but this is not a kid's movie!

Adults will appreciate this movie far more than all but the most grown-up of children!

For this is a movie that is an intelligent, mature tribute to Hollywood in the 1940's, a tribute to the Hollywood that director Robert Zemeckis loved in film school.

An intelligent, mature tribute to Hollywood in the 1940's that just happens to have as a major theme Hollywood cartoons, since this was the Hollywood that was responsible for Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck!

One that looks at 1940's Hollywood warts and all, and includes a look at some of the social issues of the time, with the toons as stand-ins for 'Black' America.

This is a movie that gives a sincere portrait of 1940's Hollywood and comments, metaphorically through the toons, on the status of Blacks in America in the 1940's, which was also made for every adult who loves Bugs Bunny and Looney Toons.

For Looney Toons was made for general audiences, for adults and not just children- and especially adults, just not in a way that would be inappropriate for children.

For adults love to laugh too, and we adults should not be limited to only laughing at what is inappropriate for children!

Looney Toons were made for adults who love to laugh!

And Who Framed Roger Rabbit was made for adults who love Looney Toons!

Mainly for adults who love Looney Toons!

And it certainly did not have to be inappropriate for children to do this!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson