About me: My Superpower

My brain has a superpower.

It is highly intelligent, and it allows me to feel what is around me so deeply.

I feel every beautiful flower, every smile from every gentle friend, every warm summer breeze so deeply and vividly.

I cannot help but be swept away by the beauty.

My brain can be distracted, but it is highly intelligent and senses patterns.

It feels painful things deeply too, and I have felt great pain, but that is nothing compared to the beauty and joy and deep kindness and love that I have felt.

My brain has a superpower.

It is called autism.

The high-functioning kind, Asperger's Syndrome.

It is indeed a superpower, and not an illness, although one with drawbacks.

I feel the pain around me as deeply as I feel the beauty and joy.

But I don't want to miss out on the pain in the world.

I want to share the pain.

And the pain is nothing compared to the joy and love and beauty that i have felt.

With the support of a loving family and circle of friends when growing up, many forms of Autism become superpowers like mine, if only you look for them to be.

So if you have autism or dyslexia, or some other thing that makes your brain different, look for the good in it.

For you just might have superpowers just like me.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson