On Revealing the other side of a Cosmic Mystery

So you have a story that has built up an incredible mystery.

Something incredible, shrouded in layers and layers of mystery.

Like on The X Files of old.

And you want to reveal what it is.

I have a theory.

That when you reveal what is behind the mystery, it has to be one of three things.

Something terrible.

Something ordinary.

Or something like God.

It does not have to be God.

Just something like God.

And that if you really want something wonderful, the other two will disappoint, and only something like God will not be a big disappointment.

It can be a wonderful alien friend who becomes like family, like in E. T.

That's partly something ordinary.

And partly love like God.

It can be an incredibly advanced alien civilization, seeding the galaxies with the seeds of beautiful intelligent life.

And that's definitely like God.

It could be an incredibly advanced robot who is watching over all of humanity across thousands of worlds across the galaxy as humanity's guardian angel.

And that's definitely like God.

It can be something a little bit dark, but just a little bit, more than a little bit people like us, and very much like God (if not perfect), like the Vorlons from Babylon 5.

But if it is something ordinary, it will be nice, but a little of a letdown.

Unless the ordinary thing is a new friend who becomes like family.

And that contains the love of God.

And if it is something terrible, well, that will be a real letdown.

Because, quite frankly, we have seen terrible things before, and they are not worth our time.  Not our free time when we watch or read stories for fun.  Because there are a lot of things out there that are not terrible.

Unless, like in Star Trek V The Final Frontier, by the time we discover the terrible thing we have also discovered something about ourselves along the way that is wonderful.

And if it is something like God, even if it isn't God?

Then it will be incredible.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. That someone ordinary when they become a friend like family contains the love of God shows that we all have the capacity to be like God!

And the friend like family that we become when we contain the love of God is the most wonderful thing in the world and can never disappoint!