1Z-7: Sexual pleasure is nothing to be afraid of

We in the modern world obsess about sexual pleasure way too much.

Sexual pleasure is a natural part of life. It is good to be cautious about it. But it is nothing to fear or obsess about.

We spend so much time obsessing about sexual pleasure, time we could spend drawing flowers, or telling stories, or making friends.

It is good to be cautious where sexual pleasure is concerned, to make sure you are not persuing it selfishly. But worrying about it, obsessing about it, should not control our life.

We have so many better things we could do with our minds!

And how much better would relations between men and women be if we stopped obsessing about sexual pleasure and just tried to be friends? Maybe even recognize that sexual pleasure does not have to cause harm and can be part of a healthy friendship, Platonic or otherwise!

Just a thought.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson