Flashdance: what a feeling!

I was just reading about the dancer that was Jennifer Beals's dance double in the movie Flashdance. (In fact, there were three dance doubles- they brought in a gymnast to make the big leap and a specialist to do the breakdancing!)

And I came across this: 'Why didn't they just cast another actress in that role who could actually dance?'

I can tell you, if they had found someone who could act as well as Jennifer Beals did in that movie in that role and dance as well as her main dance double, French actress Marine Jahan, danced (even excluding the big leap that required a trained gymnast and the breakdancing)...

They would have been the new Elvis.

That's the level of talent we are talking about.

There's only one person in the English-speaking world of their generation that could have done it.

And that was Michael Jackson.

Not until Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears would you again find that kind of talent, in that combination, in a woman.

That's what an Elvis can do.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

(And Michael Jackson was a hell of a lead actor in his music videos! (And Britney Spears in hers as well!))