Congratulations, Pakistan! (2023)

It is 2023.  Pakistan, you've had a hell of a year.    Literally.

But you've come out the other side with your Democracy intact.

Congratulations, Pakistan!  You've made it through the trial of fire!

The beautiful new future you have had as a stable Democracy since 2008 is intact!

The future is all yours!

I feel what you must have gone through.  I'm from America.  America has had a hell of a past 7 years.

A lot of you must be feeling a bit like a lot of us in America are feeling right now- only yours was concentrated into a span of less than a year.

But you've made it!

Your future is bright!

Congratulations, Pakistan- you've made it through the fire!

God loves you!  All of you!


David S. Annderson