Tolkien: How to know if The Silmarillion is for you

Some people love Tolkien's The Silmarillion.  Others do not.

For some of us, The Silmarillion is an absolute treasure trove.

For others, it will simply bore you.

And so you've finished Lord of the Rings, and you're looking for more.

You want to know if you will enjoy The Silmarillion.

I am here to tell you how you can tell if you will enjoy The Silmarillion.

It has nothing to do with how advanced a reader you are.

If you love leafing through books of lore, you will love The Silmarillion.

If you do not like leafing through books of lore, The Silmarillion will bore you.

For it is the writing style that bores many people.

But if you are like me, and growing up as a child one of your favorite books was a Burpee seed catalogue, and you just absolutely loved leafing through the pages of that catalogue looking at all the different kinds of flowers, then you will love The Silmarillion.

There is an easy way to tell.

For there is a part of The Silmarillion that made it into the Appendix of Lord of the Rings.

It is Appendix A: Annals of the Kings and Rulers.

This is in the same writing style as The Silmarillion.

If you love Annals of the Kings and Rulers, you will love The Silmarillion.

If Annals of the Kings and Rulers bores you, The Silmarillion will bore you.

Anyway, hope this helps!

God loves you!  Look to the light!


David S. Annderson