2024: America's Response to Biden's Debate is Responsible Democratic Discussion, Not Panic!

First of all, I know that there was panic in there too.      You Do Not have a responsibility to Panic!      Take care of yourself!  Save yourself, and you will be helping to save us all!

But America's response to Biden's first 2024 Debate with Trump is also responsible Democratic Discussion!

This is how Democracy works!

When something comes up, we discuss it!

In painful, half-panicked discussion if necessary!      If at all possible, if we are mentally strong enough, in calm rational discussion!

We are doing it right!

It is okay that there is some panic in there!  That does not mean we are doing it wrong!    It just means that we are suffering, and should have pity on ourselves!

But we are doing it right!

As we as a nation, at least the Liberals and Moderates among us, debate in the Summer of 2024 whether Biden should step down as a Presidential candidate, we are doing it right!

This is how Democracy works!

We'll get through this!  France and Belgium (among many others) have been through far worse between 1914 and 1945!      If they can get through that, we will get through this just fine!

America will be fine!

God loves you, however you vote!


David S. Annderson