Now I understand what Punk was in 1977!

It was a burst of raw excitement, recapturing the raw excitement of rock and roll in 1956 and 1967 after it had begun to fade!

And boy, did the 1977 punk legends have raw excitement!

Raw, untrained, wild excitement burning with a wish to prove onesself and the wish to reignite the flame of Rock and Roll!

With people following it for a dozen different reasons- just for fun, to protest and rebel, to change the world and create utopia- united by just one thing- a love of the raw excitement!

Have fun!  Seek joy and live life fully!


David S. Annderson

P.S. I love it so much when suddenly I understand something that other people love!  It is such a beautiful feeling!  Thank you Kristina for your insight onto Punk in 1977!

P.P.S. I now know that this was only half of it.  The other half was standing up for the common working man and giving him a voice!