Jim Henson was no Dick Cheney!

Of all the great counterculture figures of the 1960's, either the Beatnik 1960's or the Hippy 1960's, none was more casually counterculture than Jim Henson.

None was more open-minded, less repulsive to Eisenhower Conservatives, or less self-destructive- at least in the typical forms of self-destruction.

None was more welcoming of the friendly, loving kind of conservative Americans, or more rooted in the deep spirit of the traditional American south, his native Mississippi.

But make no mistake.

Jim Henson was counterculture.

But Jim Henson was no hippy.

At least not in the normal sense.

Jim Henson was no beatnik.

For like Led Zeppelin, Jim Henson invented his own counterculture.

No one invented their own counterculture more than Jim Henson.

And make no mistake- Jim Henson is counterculture.

Diversity is a major theme of Jim Henson's work- perhaps The major theme, along with humor and love.

Gonzo is a gay icon- and represents wierdos of all kinds, especially the creative kinds and the kinds that can't help but be misfits and would have it no other way.

The Muppets have their own legendary psychedelic rock band.

One which is as flamboyantly counterculture as any in the 60's.

Yes- Jim Henson is counterculture.

And no one, not even Led Zeppelin, invented their own counterculture while staying true to the spirit of Hippy and Beat counterculture, especially Hippy counterculture, than Jim Henson.

Welcome to my favorite counterculture.

Welcome to the true nature of Jim Henson's work.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson