The Light of God

It was God that sent out His Light to 'Black' people in America as Christianity.

It was God that sent His Light to the Prophet Muhammed as Islam.

It Is The Same Light!

It is the same Light that gave 'Black' people hope in the 19th Century.

It is the same Light that, for a while, created utopia through the Prophet Muhammed.

It is the same Light that became Gospel music in America.

It is the same Light that shined in Jerusalem so long ago.

It is the same Light that shined out on the world through The Buddha.

It is the same Light that George Harrison saw in India.

It is the same Light that shines so brightly in Peshawar, Pakistan today, a city so kind they will not let a tourist buy anything, they give it away.

It is the same Light that shines in Steven Spielberg's E.T. and Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

It Is The Same Light!

And it can shine through each and every one of you!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson