Advice to writers

Don't write on your phone!

Why? It doesn't have a keyboard!

Don't write with your thumbs on your phone!

Write with a keyboard!

It's much, much, much easier!

No matter how good you are at writing with your thumbs on your phone, it takes much more mental concentration than writing on a keyboard!

And that mental concentration can instead be put into the writing itself!

Never typed with a keyboard?

It's much easier to learn than learning to write well!

Especially if you only want to type well enough to make it much easier than writing with your thumbs on a phone!

All those skills of writing on a phone can be put to use on a keyboard- hunt-and-peck just like you do on a phone- only it's so, so much easier with a keyboard!

And then all that mental concentration that went toward writing on a phone can go to writing well instead!

And on devices with a keyboard, you are not charged extra for the data!

Just a helpful tip! If you still want to write on your phone, that's fine- it could be so much easier, though!

God loves you!

Good luck on your writing!


David S. Annderson

P.S. Yes, they really do call it hunt-and-peck!* Ba-Gawk!

*(In the old days of typewriters!)