Ringo's drums

I would like to here talk about Ringo's drums.

The Beatles have become revered as Old Masters alongside the likes of Rembrandt and Beethoven. And Ringo has gotten respect from drummers.

I would like to talk about Ringo.

I know nothing about drum technique. But I know narrative and emotional expression.

I have never heard a drummer in rock or similar fields as sophistocated and tastefully artistic as Ringo.

His is the only drumming that I have ever heard whose drumming is a more sophistocated part of the wider composition than that of the great Hal Blaine, at least in western music.

Mitch Mitchell, Elvin Jones, and the highest level of modern jazz drummers (like Elvin Jones) may be more complex technically, and Elvin Jones is one of the few, even in modern jazz drumming, who approaches Ringo in narrative and emotional sophistocation in western music.

But in narrative and emotional sophistocation, no one I have heard in western music on percussion is his equal.

And narrative and emotional sophistocation is something that I feel that I am fairly qualified to critique.

When he stepped out from behind the drum kit he may have been a lovable everyman.

But behind the drum kit Ringo was a Shakespeare, a Miles Davis.

Ringo. The master of sophistocation in rock drumming.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. If you want to find out why I specify western music, listen to Alla Rakha's drumming on Ravi Shankar's albums! And there is more from Africa!