Signs you're from California (like me!) ;)

You know the California Happy Cow isn't the state animal, but you kinda wish it was

Everyone from out of state thinks you surf and say 'Dude' (or 'Like') all the time

Calling it 'Cali' or 'Frisco' seems wierd and kinda akward

Your out-of-state friends think you're wierd because you wore a sweater to San Francisco in the Summer

You don't think it was wierd or foolish when you voted for Schwarzenegger for Govenor no matter how many times other states laughed at you for it

You wear sandals and a jacket in some kinds of weather and don't think it's wierd

You travel 100 miles East or West and the weather feels like it's another planet

You can't remember which kind of Redwood is the state Tree

You CAN remember which kind of Redwood is the state Tree

a. You can visit the Desert, the Beach and the Mountains in the same day

b. But you have to fly to the other end of California first

Seven different languages are spoken on your block and you like it that way

You swim in the pool in October wearing just a bikini or shorts

a. You take walks in the neighborhood wearing just sandals and a swimsuit or shorts, or know someone else who does, and you don't think it's unusual at all

b. Because it isn't!

c. Alas, but not that common either

Well, there you go! Have fun!