1R-A Message To India: A Republic Devoted To God

It seems a shame that the Republic of India is stuck with secular Western ideas in order to avoid offending people who follow different religions.

It seems a shame that the Republic of India is not a Republic devoted to God.

Secular Western ideas are good, but they are not the only good ideas, and it would be a shame to limit ourselves to them!

My home country of America can never be a Republic devoted to God. We do not understand God. Too many of us think God is an angry Capitalist.

Mexico understands God. Italy understands God. The Phillippines understands God. And India understands God.

The Republic of India has been a shining example to the world for over two thirds of a century. India has built a stable modern democracy. Look to the history of revolutionary France to see how hard this is. Never has someone come to power in the government of the Republic of India except through election. India took a historic stance in the Cold War, refusing to take part and standing for peace and universal brotherhood. India has tried to talk it out with Pakistan. India has helped Bangladesh get through the worst natural disaster in history. India has been a shining example to the world for over two thirds of a century. India can do this. The leaders of the Republic of India have been great masters of democratic politics for a long time.

There is no reason that being a Republic devoted to God can't coincide with every secular ideal that India shares with America. The Republic of India is an expert on those secular ideals just as much as America. India can figure out how to be a secular Republic devoted to God.

The Republic of India is at what I believe is an important step in the evolution of world political culture. For some time the Republic of India has been ruled by a Hindu conservative party that has represented Muslims by carrying on the same policies that the Liberal party has historically used to represent Muslims and other non-Hindus. The Republic of India is already taking world political culture to its next stage of evolution.

I have a few suggestions as to how the Republic of India can devote itself to God without offending people who follow different religions and without breaking what is good about those Western secular ideas of a modern Republic. (Which are no longer only Western, as they now belong just as much to countries such as India and Japan!)

Devote the Republic to serving 'The Indescribable Brahman, who is Allah'

Build a monument to Asoka

Build a monument to Akbar

Build a monument to The Buddha

Build a monument to the indescribable Brahman

That would be a good start- and more than America is capable of! (Only because so many American politicians believe in an angry God!)


David S. Annderson

*I recognize that there are many people in America who know God. But there are many people in America who think God is an angry Capitalist, and guess which one American politics prefers! So, sadly, America can never be a Republic devoted to God.

I am grateful for everyone here in America (and in the world!) who does know God! We'll find our way in this torn country somehow!