Kids need to be around Friendly Adults!

It's great for kids to play with other people their age; but they will learn so much more from friendly adults!

Use your judgement as their parent; you're not that bad a judge of character!  If someone is nice to you and the other adults, it is a real good sign!

Hang out with them together!  Make it a get-together!  Introduce your kids to your adult friends!

Get to know your kids' teachers!  Talk with things together in front of and with your kids!  Kids will learn so much more from two adults talking together!

Talk with your kids about your work and your life as an adult!  Share your experiences!

And don't be afraid to learn new things yourself with your kids!

People were meant to be together!  You have good judgement; use it and trust it!  Let your kids learn from the adult world- they will learn so much more, and so much of the adult world is friendly and safe!  It's not all horrible and scary!  Only on television!  The horrible and scary parts can wait until they are ready; but there is so much more than that out there!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson