Syd Barrett

Of Pink Floyd.

One thing about Syd Barrett: whatever happened on that tour, he wasn't crazy when he wrote his songs!

Especially the later ones on the solo albums!

Because there is such clarity of vision in those songs!

Especially the later ones on his solo albums!

The vision may be unconventional (but that's why we love him!), but there is such clarity of vision!

Whatever happened on that tour, he wasn't crazy when he wrote his songs!

And he wasn't crazy to retire from music and devote the rest of his life to painting and gardening, either! I think that was a very sane thing to do!

I mean, he had said his piece in music, and now he was moving on to painting and gardening!

Maybe someday he will be famous as a painter!

And retiring to a quiet home, to get away from the rat race, just like Bobby Fischer!

Which was probably the sanest thing Bobby Fischer did- he had paid his due, now just sit back and enjoy it!

But Syd Barrett wasn't retiring- he was painting!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson