History in the Making: Pray for Haiti, But Africa may have Arrived!

And by arrived, I mean Africa may have begun to return!

For Africa had great kingdoms and beautiful cities that for a thousand years were among the leading nations in the world!

Save for in Ethiopia and Nubia- where it was much, much longer than a thousand years and goes much farther back!

Haiti needs help.

We owe Haiti so much in the 21st Century.

It was Haiti that began the movement to outlaw slavery in the 19th Century.

And now Haiti needs help- and is getting it.

From Kenya.

Yes.  From Kenya.

If Kenya succeeds- or even just begins to succeed- I can only imagine what it will mean for 'Black' Africa.

It will mean that Africa has arrived.

Africa is taking care of Haiti.

If they succeed, or just begin to succeed, it means that Africa is taking care of Africans.

That Africa is taking control of their own people's destiny.

And I can only imagine what that would mean for the people of that continent.

So if you are interested in history, think of following Kenya's attempt to restore order and peace and stability to Haiti.

For if you do, you might be a witness to history.

You may be a witness to the beginning of a great rise.

Kenya may be in the process of becoming the next Japan.

Nigeria may in time become what India is in the process of becoming.

We may be witnessing the beginning of a great rise.

Africa may have arrived.

Or, rather, returned.

We may be a witness to history.

And we should not underestimate what Africa can do once Africa returns!

Let's hope!

God loves you!  Whether it happens now or not, Africa will arrive!

Africa will return!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson