Appreciating an Underrated Art form: Comics

Calvin and Hobbes.

Charlie Brown and Snoopy.

Ducktales.  Based on the Donald Duck and Schrooge McDuck comic books.

Elsewhere I payed tribute to an underappreciated art form in video games.

I want to do the same to comics.

My dad grew up on Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck comic books.

I grew up on the television show they inspired, Ducktales.

Which has been resurrected.

One of my favorite movies, The Fifth Element, was inspired by a French outer space comic that filmmaker Luc Besson loved.

Love anime?  That got started as comics as manga.

And Calvin and Hobbes has got to be one of the most incredibly creative things I know.

Comics deserve respect too.

People like Charles Shultz, Bill Waterston, and Carl Barks (of Donald Duck comics) are brilliantly creative.

Miyazaki's masterpiece is the Nausicaa Manga, in comic form.

I have not (yet) read it.  I write now, mostly.

But Nausicaa is Miyazaki's masterpiece among his movies, and the manga is like ten times as long- with far more room for ideas.

The manga is, by reputation at least, to the movie what the book Lord of the Rings is to one of the Lord of the Rings movies- just as great, but perhaps 10 times as long, with far more story and ideas.  (remember, there is only one Nausicaa movie to three Lord of the Rings movies.)

This is a fine art form!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson