I'm a Democrat.  But if a John McCain gets the Republican nomination, I'm voting for him!

(2023: not this time around.  Just came from the Republican debates.  A bunch of spineless clowns.  You don't denounce Trump, you don't have my vote.  John McCain would have given his life to defend America from Trump.  So would have Eisenhower.  Try harder in 2028.)

I vote Democrat because right now, most of the Republicans support people who are mean and yell at people.  (this is early Summer 2022.)

I am very flexible on the issues.  There are issues where I agree with Republicans.  There are issues where I agree with both sides.

But I don't vote on issues.  I vote for kindness.

And there's nothing that would be better for this poor country of ours (the United States, for those out there who don't know who Republicans are) than to return the Republican Party to the days of Eisenhower.

When we had one party following Kennedys and the other following Eisenhowers, and voters on both sides had confidence in both the Kennedys and in the Eisenhowers.

So the next time a John McKain gets the Republican nomination for President, he (or she) has my vote.

I am no RINO.  I am a hard-core moderate.  I don't believe in factionalism.  You do not have to be like a Democrat to get my vote.  You only have to be kind.

I am a hard-core moderate.  I believe in Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor.  I believe in building bridges of God's Love between the two parties.  I believe in supporting people in either and both parties who support Love and Kindness.

And yes, I agree with Republicans on certain issues.  There are some issues where I think that both sides are right in their different ways, and that Democrats and Republicans can learn from each other.  I believe in giving a hand up, not a hand out.  I believe that if you can help the poor that way that that is ideal, but if you can't give a hand up you need to give the poor a hand out.  This is just one issue where I think that Democrats and Republicans can learn from each other.  The budget is another.  Sometimes Democrats are right, and it is better to raise taxes.  And sometimes Republicans are right and it is better to cut the budget.  It just depends upon the situation.

But all that is beside the point right now.  I'm willing to let the politicians sort out the issues.  If we can just restore kindness to both parties, than our leaders are more than capable of handling the issues.  Because if kindness is restored, than we can talk it out like gentlemen.

And so I vote for kindness.  And next time a kind person like John McCain gets the Republican Presidential nomination, he or she has my vote.

No matter where they stand on the issues.  As long as they are kind, and they are willing to stand up for kindness.

And there are much more out there like me!  On both sides!  Arnold Schwarzenegger is a hard-core moderate too!

And there are many more Democrats like me, for I am a Liberal like John Lennon, and most of us care more about whether or not you are kind!  I write so much about Republicans because they are the ones that need healing right now!  And they are people just like me!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson