1Z-0: This is not as good as it gets!

Why should we get sad at the thought that the world has faded?

We know what the world is like now.

The question is: is this as good as it gets? Or were things once better?

This is not as good as it gets!

This messy modern world is not as good as it gets!

And the history most of us know is not as good as it gets! The Reformation and the wars of European history is not as good as it gets!

Once Europe was a world of brave knights, castles, grand cathedrals, fair princesses and troubadors.

That world of brave knights and troubadors is not as good as it gets.

Once there were worlds and empires like Gondor in Lord of the Rings. Rivendell, even.

Gupta India. Ming china.

Buddhist monks in the heart of China. Beautiful cities with row after row of pretty Chinese roofs, with serene Confucian Temples and beautiful Chinese gardens.

Wise sages in the Himalayas. Beautiful grand cities as big as Rome at its height along the Ganges, gorgeous mythic grand Hindu Temples of wood.

Baghdad. The city by the river in a green tropical Paradise. Persian gardens. Arab fairs. Beautiful Arabic music and art. Wise Mullahs studying and praying in grand Mosques. The finest university in the world.

This is not as good as it gets.

Once we woke up from the nightmare of WWII to a beautiful dream of outer space and landed a man on the Moon.

Landing a man on the Moon is not as good as it gets.

This is not as good as it gets.

Thank God!

For everything changes, and the old beauty and wonder will come around again.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. to learn how good it gets, read my 'Song of the Age of Wonder' on my Deviantart page! And all my other stories, all on my Deviantart page! For that is what I write about!