Donald Trump committed an act of War against the United States on January 6, 2020!

I don't care that they were armed with only their fists.

I don't care if they are armed only with chihuahuas!

On January 6, 2020 Donald Trump sent his army, thousands strong, to attack the American capital!

Donald Trump committed an act of war against the United States on January 6, 2020!

No, I am not angry at people who voted for him.

If we declare him to be a legal candidate, that's your right.

You have my sympathy.  A lot of people are suffering in America right now.

I am not angry at anyone who did not take part in that battle!

I only hold Donald Trump himself and those who took part accountable!

God loves you!  I wish you all well!  I'm sorry for being so negative!  I'm only stating the facts!  I'm not angry at anyone!

Honestly, Donald Trump himself is so unhappy... I have pity for people more than I am angry!

God loves you!  We'll get through this!  France has recovered from much worse acts of war than this!


David S. Annderson