July 2024: My Heart Goes Out To the Victims of the Trump Assassination Attempt

I hate Donald Trump, and I fear what he might do to our poor country.    But I would take a bullet for him, the same as I would for any civilian.

Life is precious.  I am not a police officer, but I would not hesitate to aid their effort in protecting us if need be.

And in a civil society, Donald Trump deserves the same protection as the rest of us.

I believe in a civil society.    I believe in the principles that our Founding Fathers got from people like John Locke, that John Locke got from Confucius and the Roman Stoics.

We've already seen the worst the American system will let Donald Trump get away with.  Don't fear him.  He's already been President.  This is not Germany in 1932.  Our government is not fragile.  Our civil society has already contained whatever threat he poses.      Life is precious.  Let him be.  The American system will protect us, it already has.  We are safe.    Let him be, and pray for him.    Go, and cast your vote, whichever way it goes.  No one is going to bleed because of the way you voted, and taking part in Democracy just might help heal our country's wounds.  Cast your vote, don't bleed over your vote.  Pray for the people on the other side.  And remember- it's Trump's people who are hurt the most.  Pray for them, whichever side you are on.  Life is precious, they deserve it.

And my heart goes out to the innocent person who died as a result of the assassination attempt.

We are not your enemies.  Almost every one of us has close friends on the other side, often people we have a lot in common with.

I believe this too: that 99 out of every 100 Democrats serving in our government would take great steps to protect Donald Trump even as they run against him.

We are not enemies.

We are only people with differing points of view on politics.

That assassin did what he did because he was deeply hurt and in great pain over the same political pain as the rest of us.

He didn't take it as well as most of us did.    Some people are simply fragile.

But know this: that most people who vote for people like Biden would never be your enemy.    We are just people just like you, who wish that this were all over and we could go back home and forget about politics.

There are thousands upon thousands of registered Democrats who are police officers who would sacrifice for you, or even for Donald Trump, as surely as I would, for they too believe in a civil society, and they have found the strength that most of us do not have to be able to sacrifice to protect others.

We are not your enemies.  We are your friends.

When this is all over, we would like nothing more than to gather around a cup of coffee with you and go back to being friends!

My heart goes out to the victims of the Trump assassination attempt, especially the family of the one who lost his life.

God loves you!  We'll get through this!  France and Belgium got through much worse between 1914 and 1945!


David S. Annderson