Clinton's Democrat Party is Obsolete.  Here's Why

Bill Clinton was a compromise candidate.

The Republican Party that his policies were compromising with is dead.  Long dead.

Does not exist anymore.

It doesn't help that Bill Clinton pissed off the Republicans that he was a compromise candidate with by cheating on his wife!

But the policies themselves are obsolete.

Not because they don't work anymore.

But because the Republican Party that they were trying to compromise with is long dead.

The Republican Party that Clinton's Democrat Party was compromising with died on September 12, 2001.

Not on September 11.

Not with the terrorist attack.

With George W. Bush's mad response.

Reaching out to moderate Republicans today is a whole different thing.

Moderate Republicans today are refugees from their own party.

Which means that to reach out to them, the old techniques of appealing to a whole organized party probably don't work that well.

We need new techniques for a new situation.

A compromise candidate is still a good idea.

But the situation has changed.

The old Clinton policies probably simply won't work well anymore!

It's a new situation!

Refugees need something different from big, well-organized parties!

Being a compromise candidate needs a new set of policies for a new situation!

And honestly, in the new situation a compromise candidate should be reaching out to Libertarians and others as much as moderate Republicans!

Just a thought to help!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson