Happy Easter!

Why do we celebrate Easter with bunnies and baby chicks?

Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time it was winter.

The deep depths of winter.

In the winter, life retreats into its secret refuge.

In the winter, all the bunnies and chickens retreat to their secret winter refuges.

And in the depths of winter, there was a man named Jesus.

Jesus taught light and love and wisdom.

And Jesus defied the authorities because the authorites, being only human, were leading people in the wrong direction.

The authorities were leading the Jews closer and closer to war with Rome, when Jesus knew that Rome was not to blame for Israel's problems, which began when two brothers fought a war over the throne of Israel in 69 BC, and that many of the Romans wanted to learn from the Jews.

But the authorities were only human.

And when Jesus challenged the authorities, the authorities had Jesus killed.

And it was the deepest depths of winter.

All the bunnies and chickens were hiding in their secret hiding places.

But every winter comes to an end.

For Jesus knew a secret.

Jesus knew the true God.

And the true God cannot be defeated.

For the winter itself is part of the grand plan of the true God, to show us that we are strong and can survive the winter.

And so, on the third day, Jesus arose from the dead!

And the bitter winter ended!

And all the bunnies and baby chicks emerged into the beautiful springtime, and life was reborn!

And the Romans did learn from the Jews!

300 years later Rome itself converted to the light of Jerusalem!

And brought it all the way to Germany and Russia!

And that is why we celebrate Easter with bunnies and baby chicks!

For when Jesus was reborn, spring came!

For the rebirth of life is spring!

And with spring, bunnies and baby chicks come!

And life is reborn!

And that is the purpose of the bitter winter!

For if the winter never came, life can never be reborn!

The modern Industrial world is in the early stages of its rebirth!

Its full Spring has yet to come!

But it will!

It surely will!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson