To Guard the Stillness of your Mind with Celebration

I just came from watching Madonna's Ray of Light music video.

Wow! And yes, kids, 1998 was really just like that!

Lao-tzu said that we must guard the stillness of our mind with unwearying vigor.

Sometimes the best way to guard the stillness of your mind is to blast it with loud celebration!

You can's worry about the little things when you are swept away by the celebration of Madonna's Ray of Light!

So celebrate! Free your ass and your mind will follow!

Celebrate! For when you let yourself celebrate, whether loud or quietly, that peace of mind will come much more easily!

We have forgotten what to do with a sunny day- you celebrate it! You celebrate!

God loves you! Be sure and guard your mind from fear just like Lao-tzu said!


David S. Annderson