1Z-1: I'm a Liberal.  But I also agree with many Conservative viewpoints!

In just about every Liberal issue I agree with the Liberal viewpoint save for one- I am not an Atheist or a Skeptic.

All the big, general principles that people like John Lennon sing about.  Not every picky politician's detail like Affirmative Action or Political Correctness.  (You don't need to be PC around me- kindness is more important!  None of the Hippies were singing, 'All you need is Political Correctness'!)

But I also find myself supporting and agreeing with many traditional viewpoints on issues of American conservatives.

Often I find that both groups are right.

Sometimes it is right to raise taxes.  Sometimes it is right to cut the budget.

It is better to give a hand up than a hand out.  But if you can't give a hand up than you need to give a hand out.

Both sides are right on abortion, for both sides are trying to save lives.  Liberals are trying to save the life of the mother.  That's what makes that such a difficult, painful issue.

I agree that to some degree it is good to have a big government, but to some degree it is good to have a small government.  We just need to find the right balance.  The size of the government is a Goldilocks issue- sometimes it is too big, sometimes it is too small.  And there will probably always be some disagreement on this.  And that's okay.

In so many issues, I agree with American Conservatives as well as Liberals.

We still have so much we can learn from each other.

I just wanted to put that out into the world!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson