E.T. is more realistic than alien horror movies!

Why would an alien go to all the trouble to reach our star system, across many light-years and taking many centuries, just to beat us up? Or to eat us?

What, do we taste that good?

To make friends with intelligent aliens, on the other hand....

When dogs met humans so long ago we became friends!

I think that an intelligent, highly evolved civilization that is not just recovering from the greatest crisis in 6,000 years of human civilization like we are right now (the World Wars and European Imperialism) would be a lot more likely to be like dogs and caveman 30,000 years ago than to be like cartoon villains!

Steven Spielberg's vision in E.T. is a lot more realistic than all the alien horror movies out there!

And for a vision of what a highly evolved civilization is like, read my 'Song of the Age of Wonder' about a real-life series of highly evolved civilizations!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. by far the most realistic alien horror movie- Men in Black. Most of the aliens are good guys and want to help us, it's only their criminals that are monsters!