It's 2024 in America.  Please, let's be Human Together!

It is 2024 in the United States of America, and the political and cultural divide through which America is bleeding is immense.

As this political and cultural divide rages on, I emplore people on both sides: Please, let's all be Human together!

I am a Liberal and a registered Democrat, and I have both good friends and close family who are Conservative Republicans.

I know many good people who are Conservative Republicans.

And I emplore people on both sides: please, let's try to be Human first!

I was inspired to write this after reading an article on the Internet news with this headline: 'I'm a Republican woman.  Progressives are wrong about what I believe.'

In the article she goes on to talk about a magazine article, apparently advertized in the front page of the magazine, that holds up people like Marjory Taylor Greene as examples of typical Republican women.

Honestly, we all know that the political world is flawed.

We all accept flaws and shortcomings in people we vote for, if we vote extensively, because we know that politics is messy and politicians are flawed.

The typical person on the street, on any of the political sides, is not like the more extreme politicians on that side.

Politicians make mistakes, and those mistakes are very public.    Politicians often get rewarded with success for being harsh or tricky.

If we are to be human together, we must resist the temptation to consider these things typical of the general voting public!

Marjory Taylor Greene is under a lot of pressure, including pressure to fight for her faction and against their opponents, and pressure to get attention on television!

We too have our weaknesses, our moments of flaws and bad decisions, and ours are usually far less public!

If we are to hold up people like Marjory Taylor Greene as typical Conservative women, let us instead look at how they have been as mothers, as family women, as members of the community away from the mud-slinging chaos of politics!

Above all, let's all be human together!

God loves you, no matter which side you vote for, and so do I!


David S. Annderson