1Z-1: Never Accept The 'New Normal'!

Never accept the 'New Normal'!

No crisis is a good excuse to stop being nice to people!

No crisis is a good excuse to stop making friends!

No crisis is a good excuse to stop interacting with the good people around you!

20 years age we accepted that the 'War on Terror' was the 'New Normal', and now we are afraid all the time!

It has been almost 20 years since there has been a terrorist attack by foreigners upon the US!

There was no need for a 'New Normal'!

Now we are expected to believe that because of the coronavirus, we have to accept a 'New Normal' where we just don't interact with people!

We will not always be in a global pandemic!

The Black Plague went away, and so will this!

If it comes back, well, the first time is always much worse because no one has immunity yet!

It will never come back as strong, just like the Black Plague never came back as strong!

And this is nothing compared to the Black Plague, or even the Spanish Flu of 1918!

This is a pussy willow compared to the Spanish Flu of 1918!

Never accept the 'New Normal'!

Humanity is a social species!

We were meant to interact with all the nice normal people around us!

We were meant to make friends!

We were meant to talk to the neighbors!

We were meant to interact with people!

Do not let them take away our Humanity!

Never accept the 'New Normal'!

We were meant to make friends with the nice normal people around us!

Together we can make our civilization sane again!


David S. Annderson