Alien Intelligence Comparable to the Cat

Imagine if we could travel to another planet and meet an alien intelligence comparable to the cat or the dog.

Maybe not human intelligence.  But considerable intelligence.

An alien creature, built so differently from man.

Which likes to play.

Which has been known to short out electronic lights beyond their living environment for fun.

Which has been seen to play catch with a pill bottle floating in the water like a dog with a ball.

Which has arms which with it can do things.

Which can walk, and swim freely.

With the ability to change its appearance, and communicate with others of its kind by changing the color of its skin rapidly.

And what if I told you that we have just such an alien intelligence right here on earth.

Whose last common ancestor with man and vertebrates was not even a snail yet.

Behold, the Octopus.

The Octopus, and the squid, and the cuttlefish.

A whole thriving group of alien intelligences comparable to the cat, with hundreds of species, in all the seas of the ocean, and many of them quite abundant!

An alien intelligence comparable to the cat!

Right here on our own earth!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson