Love at first sight

A healthy relationship is based on sharing things with people, getting to know them, showing how you feel about them. It takes time.

So... does that mean that Love At First Sight is nothing more than hormones, nothing more than a chemical reaction?

Perhaps sometimes.

Perhaps often.

Which does not mean that it cannot lead to a healthy relationship. After all, it is as likely to work out with them as with any random person.

But is there something that you might be picking up about a person at first sight that is worthy of Love?

That is more than just hormones?


Yes, if you are like me and you are sensitive to the deep beauty and deep spirit of things.

For all life is precious.

All people are precious.

All life is precious.

There is nothing so precious and valuable in the world than a real person.

And if you are like me, and you are a highly sensitive artist type, than you might be seeing that in someone when you fall in love at first sight.

I have had friendship at first sight.

And the friendship worked out.


Because what I saw at first sight is how precious they are as a person.

And there is nothing better to build a friendship around than that.

Especially if you have just met them.

Anything else worth building a friendship around takes time.

But you can see how precious they are as a person from first sight.

So yes, if you are a sensitive artist type than you very well could be picking up on something that means much more than just hormones.

For all life is precious.

All people are precious.

Hell, I have cried for Adolf Hitler.

When I read what that poor guy went through in World War I, I cried for him.

No wonder he went crazy.

And that's the most evil sinner in history.

All people are precious.

If a good person can cry even for Adolf Hitler, than all people are precious.

Let alone all the good people!

God loves you!

You are precious! God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin! And seek out the Light! Look for the good things and the good people! For they are out there!

P.S. Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin! Most of the time when I see people sinning, it is so obvious what is causing them pain and causing them to sin! Cry for them! It will make you feel better- it won't just help them, it will help you so much!