The 2010 Karate Kid remake

First of all I would like to apologize for being negative. I don't like to be negative. But this has to be said, and very few people have said it.

The 2010 remake of The Karate Kid is a blatently racist movie.

I saw the first, maybe, 40 minutes. I could watch no more.

The whole that I watched was the most blatent piece of anti-Chinese propaganda piece I could have ever imagined.

The whole of the part of the movie that I could stomach to watch existed to demonize China savagely.

This was a propaganda film worthy of Nazi Germany.

It has no place in America.

If any Chinese child bullied a foreigner like they do to the American character, a real Chinese parent would not stand for it and would stop the bullying and, like a true Confucian, offer help and comfort to the bullied American child.

The real Chinese would not stand to see their people treat someone the way the Chinese treat the American in the movie.

The original Karate Kid was a fine movie.

The remake is a blatent anti-China propaganda movie.

China is NOT like that.

China is a beautiful ancient culture that has had it hard the past 200 years thanks to Western Imperialists, which has managed to revive the ancient wisdom of Confucius in recent years, the ancient values of kindness and respect that are the blatent exact opposite of the way the Chinese are depicted in the movie.

I'm sorry for being so negative.

Normally I would not comment on such a movie but simply ignore it.

But no one has called this movie out.

Because all the western film critics think that we are supposed to think of the modern Chinese as monsters.

And not good decent human beings with good values and ancient wisdom, the very source of everything that the original Karate Kid celebrates, things the Japanese learned well over a thousand years ago from China.

I'm sorry for being negative.

But if no other film critics have spoken out, I will.

God loves you!

But God wants you to be kind to each other!


David S. Annderson