Gene Roddenberry's Other Career: one of the great writers of Westerns!

Gene Roddenberry, when pitching Star Trek, called it 'Wagon Train to the stars'.

Every television executive of the day immediately understood what he meant.

For an entire era, television was dominated in part by westerns.

Westerns with an incredibly high level of writing and overall quality.

Wagon Train was one of the four biggest westerns of the entire era, alongside the likes of Gunsmoke and Bonanza.

Gunsmoke, the life of a whole town, an entire community, in a great heroic series, starring a lead as legendary in some circles as John Wayne and Clint Eastwood.

Bonanza, the sophistocated and deep character drama with great heroics, starring some of the finest character actors, dramatic leads and action leads in television history.

Wagon Train, travelling through uncharted territory like the crew of the starship Enterprise.

And Have Gun- Will Travel.

The story of Paladin, modern-day knight with a gun, going boldly into danger to stand up for the innocent and stand up to darkness.

And it was here that Gene Roddenberry had his other career.

For years before he created Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry was one of the main staff writers for Have Gun- Will Travel.

One of the most popular shows of the entire era.

A show with great stories, incredible freedom to tell a wide range of heroic storytelling, featuring a powerhouse lead, one of the finest in television history.

And here Gene Roddenberry was free to explore the same timeless themes that he went on to write into Star Trek.

Things like the rights and dignity of the Chinese immigrant in the old West.

Years before he created Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry was one of the main creative forces behind one of the greatest and most popular shows in television history.

The story of Paladin, modern-day knight with a gun.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson